Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Definition List

Define Market: Buyer+Seller= Transaction=MARKET

Define Assumption: 'Presumption; arrogance'

Define Entrepreneur: One who undertakes an entreprise, one who owns and manages a business, a person who takes the risk of profit and loss.

Define AIM: Alternative Investment Market

Define Angel Investor: High net-work private individual who is looking to invest in companies that are likely to achieve high growth

Define Balance Sheet: Statement which shows the assets and liabilities of a compant on a praticular date

Define Brand: Trademark, trade name, design ect. identifying a particular manufacturer's products

Define Brand awareness: Level of public familiarity with a branded product

Define Business angel: High net-worth private individual who is looking to invest in companies that are likely to achieve high growth

Define Business plan: A statement of business strategy including full financial model, product viability, analysis of market and competition, marketing strategy, breakdown of people and management, goals and mission and usually five year outlook

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