Saturday, 31 October 2009

Million Dollar Experiment

Steve Pavlina ( is the owner of several businesses. He and his wife are living in the USA a comfortable life and get a six number income every year. These incomes includes 10 different streams from different businesses, most of them are based in the internet. So they are in a very secure financial situation. Steves website is a quite serious page because he is honest. He doesn't write how to become rich or a millionaire, he only wrote down what he did.

One of the most difficult ways to make money is to have a job where you earn a salary! The reason for that is that you use so much time to get your cash which you spend anyway. Steve Pavlina worked only 6 months as an employee until he figured out that this wasn't something for him. After quitting his job he decided to get money from his own business. So he did! After a few years he setted up a system which provided him an income without directly working for the money. Now he has the free time he wished to have.

The $1 Million Dollar Project is an experiment which Steve started to see if he can attract a large sum of money into his life. He want to the intention-manefestation model to make it more fun and challenging. 'This means I’ll allow myself to be guided by intuition as opposed to rigidly planning out every detail'. Added to this he is not going to spend his existing money, he wants to spend only the money which he gets by running that experiment. So his experiment starts with $ 0 and should end with $1000000. Steves intention: In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1 million to come into my life.

To be continued....

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